Mindful Living  -  Centered Moment 

Loving-Kindness Meditation to be Read with Children
Adapted by Lindsay Leimbach

Ask the children to lie down, relax, and close their eyes if they wish. Suggest that they pay attention to their bodies, the sensation of lying down, and notice the sensation of their breath. Explain that they should follow along with you as you speak. Tell them if their mind wonders that is okay; just bring their attention back to your voice.
Please change the words to fit the comfort of the child.

Say the following:

Send loving-kindness to yourself.
Feel love in yourself.
Want yourself to be happy.

Repeat in your mind:
I love myself.
May I be free from difficulties.
May I be free from sadness.
May I be free from worry and pain.
May I be free from anger and ill- will.
May I be free from all suffering.
May I be healthy.
May my body be healthy and strong.
May I be filled with loving-kindness.
May I be happy.
May I be at peace.
I spread this loving-kindness out.

I send love to my Dad and Mom.
May my Dad and Mom be free from difficulties.
May they be free from sadness.
May they be free from worries and pain
May they be free from anger and ill-will.
May they be free from all suffering.
May they be healthy.
May they be filled with loving-kindness.                  
May they be happy.
May they be at peace.
I spread this loving-kindness out.

I send love to my brothers and sisters.
May brothers and sisters be free from difficulties.
May they be free from sadness.
May they be free from worries and pain
May they be free from anger and ill-will.
May they be free from all suffering.
May they be healthy.
May they be filled with loving-kindness.     
May they be happy.
May they be at peace.
I spread this loving-kindness out.

I send love to my teachers and the kids at school.
May my teachers and kids at school be free from difficulties.
May they be free from sadness.
May they be free from worries and pain.
May they be free from anger and ill-will.
May they be free from all suffering.
May they be healthy.
May they be filled with loving-kindness.
May they be happy.
May they be at peace.
I spread this loving-kindness out.

I send love to all the people I don't know – everywhere on this earth.
May they be free from difficulties.
May they be free from sadness.
May they be free from worries and pain.
May they be free from anger and ill-will.
May they be free from all suffering.
May they be healthy.
May they be filled with loving-kindness  
May they be happy.
May they be at peace.

I spread this loving-kindness out.

May all living things human or non - human in the universe be free from suffering.
May all living things human, animal, and plant be free from suffering.
May they be well and happy.
May they be at peace.

I spread this loving-kindness out.

I open my heart and accept loving-kindness from every being and creature in return.
I let that love into my heart.
And I share the benefits of this loving-kindness meditation with everyone.

May all beings be well and happy.
May all beings be well and happy.
May all beings be well and happy.
May there be peace.
May there be peace.
May there be peace.

Following reading the loving-kindness meditations say “I send you loving-kindness” and then tell the children to rest and relax for a few more minutes.